Relics of gold rush days: CUs of pile of tools on ground, picks, sledgehammer, anvil, of cans and other junk, buggy wheel, "Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh" sign, of multitude of spade handles. HAS of gutted safe. MS of picture of Queen Victoria hanging on cracked soiled wall, TILT DOWN to upside down chair. Interior shot of living room showing old fashion chairs, baby's crib, table, picture of Queen Victoria. Interior shot of tavern showing chairs, "Entire Change of Program Tonight" sign. Shot of Christ, words "Go and Sin no More", half a bar door hanging from it's hinges in background. Interior shot of rotunda of theatre, TILT UP to dome and chandelier. LAS of top of Royal Alexandra Hotel, TILT DOWN facade to sign. interior CU showing carved panels on walls.