Quick cut edited sequences on actual invasion of enemy-held territory at night by US and Canadian troops (Sicily), air raid, men charging past the camera, the whole punctuated by gun flashes, explosion flashes. Quick cut day sequence of invasion. AIR TO AIR shots of US bombers softening up beachhead; battleships firing, with shots of gunners manning huge deck guns; US troops waiting grimly for moment to land; low-flying Blenheim bombers passing the camera; US troops racing past the camera from landing craft to beachhead. MCSs of General Dwight D Eisenhower visiting with Army commanders in the field. Shots of British bombers taking off. AIR TO AIR SHOT of bombers. Air to ground shot of targets, bomb explosions. Gun camera footage of plane exploding. Several gun camera shots of targets on ground, rocket trails as seen from Typhoon fighters. (00/05/1944 - 00/06/1944)