CS and MS of sign of Ivugivik post office. HAMS of dog nibbling on whale carcass on rock. ZOOM OUT to MLS of bay. PAN over coast, shore and village, motorboats pulled up on sand. PAN over stationary snowmobile and along dozens of barrels possibly holding fuel for boats. PAN over shore, village in background. CS of bearskin stretched in frame, drying outside. MS of bearskin, house in background. MLS PAN over village and bay seen from inland. MS PAN over several skins stretched to dry on frames behind house. CS and MS of Inuit men and women waiting in front of door of building with sign "Ivugivik Co-op". CS of schooner moving away in bay, Inuit hunters aboard. PAN over other small schooner at anchor pitching in water. MLS of children playing on shore.