Continued from Shot No. 8433 (Part 2/15 of speech): WAS of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker delivering speech to the United Nations Assembly on September 26, 1960. Transcript is as follows:: "I wish as well to join in welcoming the newly elected member states. I know that they will derive benefit and advantage from their membership in this organization, as the United Nations will benefit from their participation in its work and activities. It is particularly significant that thirteen of these new member states are in Africa, a continent in which great changes are taking place and which today holds the centre of the world's stage. I know all of us of the older members of this organization will agree that have a responsibility to assist these new member states in solving the challenging problems with which they are faced. Their addition to our membership is a reminder of the need for the Assembly to consider enlarging the Economic and Social Council and the numerical strength of the Security Council, so that all geographical areas may receive adequate representation." Continued in Shot No. 55383.