STK-ID 8434

Continued from Shot No. 55386 (Part 8/15 of speech): MWS of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker continuing his speech to the United Nations Assembly on September 26, 1960. Transcript is as follows:"We are united not by the sword or the seal but by the spirit of cooperation and by common aspirations; and the process is a continuing one. Within the next week another country, Nigeria, the most populous in Africa, will attain its independence and remain in the Commonwealth family. Indeed in this Assembly the membership is composed in a very considerable measure of the graduates of empires, mandates and trusteeships of Britain, the Commonwealth and other nations. I pause to ask this question: How many human beings have been liberated by the USSR? Do we forget how one of the postwar colonies of the Soviet Union sought to liberate itself four years ago, and with what results? I say that because these facts of history in the Commonwealth and other countries invite comparison with the domination over peoples and territories, sometimes gained under the guise of liberation, but always accompanied by the loss of political freedom. How are we to reconcile the tragedy of the Hungarian uprising in 1956 with Chairman Krushchev's confident assertion of a few days ago in this assembly? These are his words: "It will always be the Soviet stand that countries should establish systems of their own free will and choosing." That I accept-and hope that those words mean a change of attitude for the future on the part of those he represents. What of Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia? What of the freedom-loving Ukrainians and other Eastern European peoples which I shall not name for fear of omitting some of them? Mr. Krushchev went further and said: "The very course of historic development at present poses the question of complete and final elimination of the colonial regime immediately and unconditionally."Sir, there can be no double standard in international affairs. I ask the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Council of Ministers of the USSR to give to those nations under his domination of the right of free elections-to give them the opportunity to determine the kind of government they want under genuinely free conditions. If those conclusions were what his words meant, for they must apply universally, then indeed will there be new action to carry out the obligations of the United Nations Charter; then indeed will there be new hope for all mankind." [Applause.]Continued in Shot No. 55387.


Excerpt from
Diefenbaker's Speech at the United Nations
New York (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain comp b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080