STK-ID 8436

Interior shots of a machine shop where welders and mechanics are shown repairing coal digging equipment. Late afternoon or early evening PAN over mining village to LS of mine shaft silhouetted against cloudy sky. Dark MSs and CUs of two geologists picking up ore samples from forest floor, examining them. MSs and CUs of sample drill and housing, leafless trees in background. TILT DOWN to geologists at work in housing, placing drilled sample cores in core crates (enabling geologist to view soil history). Dark CS shots of ore falling off from moving conveyor underground. Interior MLS of of large machine shop, workers repairing machinery.


Excerpt from
Diggers of the Deeps
Cape Breton Island
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio