CSs, MCS of Gérard Pelletier, federal Minister of Communications being interviewed in office (no sound). MS, MCS of part of interview with Gérard Filion, publisher and editor of "Le Devoir" newspaper from 1947 to 1963, in his office (no sound). MSs of Gérard Filion sitting in his office, reading "Le Devoir" newspaper, of his secretary bringing him water, of Filion talking on the phone, of Filion standing up and helping himself with water. Various shots of Filion sitting at his desk and talking on the phone. CSs of pictures of Filion on different occasions. Various MSs of part of interview with Paul Sauriol, associate editor for "Le Devoir" from 1928 to 1971, in his office, bookcases in background, of Sauriol turning pages of book while talking to camera, of Sauriol typewriting, reading "Le Devoir" and typing again (no sound).