STK-ID 8716

Various shots of swift river, logs caught on river banks, log jams being blown up, some quite close to camera, of men on jams, some moving down river, extricating logs one by one. BOATING SHOTs of logs in water, CUs of logs being pushed out of the way by man on "alligator". Shots of logs streaming out from under low railway bridge. BOATING SHOT along long string of log booms being towed by "alligator". MLS of two men at stern of camera boat, one manning "kicker". MS and CU of man wiring several sticks of dynamite together. HAS of log-covered river from bridge, logs streaming towards bridge and under camera. CUs of lumberjacks' hands grabbing pike pole as they work, of tip of pole biting into logs. HAMS of men on logs, working.


Excerpt from
La drave
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486