STK-ID 9075

Shot of boy on crutches walking towards camera. He identifies himself as being Fred Atkinson, the current "Timmy" (sound). He says something to the effect that a handicapped body does not necessarily mean a handicapped life. He, himself, with care and devotion on the part of adults, learned to walk at age 7, and learned to play games with other boys. But treatment costs money and people at large can, by giving, permit handicapped boys and girls to do things that they know they can do by themselves (sound). Narration intercut with shots of handicapped boy playing hockey with other boys, without skates, of boy working on something in machinist's vice, of doctor examining small child's legs, several handicapped children sitting in wheelchairs, walking about on crutches. TILT UP little girl in braces sitting in wheelchair.


Excerpt from
Easter Seal Campaign
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio