Fish Canning: BOATING SHOTs of Ingonish, Nova Scotia, shot from bay, including views of fish canning factory on shore. Shots of fishing boats in cove, fishermen hauling in nets full of herring, CU full frame of herring in bottom of boat. MLS of fishing boats anchored in bay. MLS of motorboat pulling several small fishing boats towards shore. Shot looking out to sea. PAN across bay, village in the distance. Shots of fishermen in small fishing boat, hauling in nets in choppy water. CU of men piling dried cod in fish canning factory at Antigonish, Nova Scotia, PAN to large pile of dried cod. CU of stack of dried cod. MS of man painting label on end of wooden barrel. Shots of men stacking dried cod into wooden barrel, CU of press starting to push dried cod in. CU of man nailing shut lid of barrel. MS of room full of stacked dried cod. Sequence on women at work in fish canning factory showing women at work around conveyors, cans moving along conveyors, cans going through capping machine, CU of cans filled with fish moving along conveyor, women filling cans with fish.