STK-ID 9255

Seaway: LAS of funnel of freighter moving slowly towards Saint-Lambert lift bridge in background. Shot of gate closing, ship in canal in background. MS of freighter moving through canal towards camera. Rear shot of freighter moving slowly through canal away from camera, passing lake freighter. Vertical HAS of freighter moving down canal as seen through grille of bridge. PAN along Victoria Bridge to seaway, lift bridge, freighter in canal. HAMLS of lake freighter moving through lock as seen through grille of lift bridge. Shot of freigther in lock as lift bridge bearing camera descends slowly. Cuts to side of ship in lock, to large screw churning up water. Several shots of ships in Saint-Lambert Lock, lift bridge in background being lowered, gate being closed, ships moving out of lock. Shots of gate of lock opening, of safety gate being raised, ship moving slowly into lock towards camera. LAMS of prow of ship, masts.


Excerpt from
Élément 3
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio