Night shots of man half lying on pavement, police and ambulance attendants looking at his leg, man being put on stretcher and put in ambulance. TRAVELLING SHOT through Montreal at night. Interior shot of ambulance, orderlies. Shots of Red Cross flag fluttering in slipstream during night run, blurred lights in background. Cut to policeman on scene of accident, in private home, bringing stretcher downstairs and into waiting ambulance. Profile shot of driver at wheel, blurred lights in background. Cut to men rolling stretcher into emergency. Sequence on ambulance attendants bringing stretcher into house at night, crowd of on-lookers gathering around, bringing casualty down and into ambulance. Shots of patient in ambulance during run to hospital. Shot of men rolling stretcher into emergency. Sequence on police and doctor arriving at home of sick person at night, bringing patient down on stretcher. Interior shot of ambulance. Sequence on traffic accident at night, crowd gathered around, police, doctor, ambulance, trip to hospital. Sequence on sick person being brought down from home to hospital. HAS, level shots of ambulance leaving emergency in rush at night. Sequence on doctor examining accident victim, on trip to hospital.