CS from behind of two young people sitting at table with security guard standing on other side of table, DOLLY IN to CU over their shoulders of newspapers on table, articles about October Crisis (two shots). Various shots of various posters and signs on walls of hallway at Université du Québec à Montréal. (17/10/70).
Excerpt from
Action: The October Crisis of 1970
National Film Board
Restriction Information
P, e, r, m, i, s, s, i, o, n, , m, u, s, t, , b, e, , o, b, t, a, i, n, e, d, , f, r, o, m, , n, e, w, s, p, a, p, e, r, s, , i, f, , t, h, e, y, , a, r, e, , s, t, i, l, l, , p, u, b, l, i, s, h, e, d, ;, , o, b, t, e, n, i, r, , p, e, r, m, i, s, s, i, o, n, , d, e, s, , j, o, u, r, n, a, u, x, , s, ', i, l, s, , s, o, n, t, , t, o, u, j, o, u, r, s, , p, u, b, l, i, é, s
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